Medical disputes are complex category of cases. Its specifics include, in particular, the severity of collecting evidence, issues of medical ethics, accounting for the physical and/or psychological state of injured patients (their relatives), and others. Medical malpractice, professional negligence or innocence of a medical worker is a touchy subject of human health that requires a special mechanism consideration of such disputes, since physicians do not always violate the patient’s rights.

Pretrial settlement of conflicts between medical facilities, patients, physicians; litigation; representation and protection of the rights and interests of subjects of medical law in public agencies, local governments, general, economic, administrative courts of all instances.

For patients:
We provide a full range of services for the amicable settlement of a conflict with a clinic (physician) and successful compearance:

  • protection of patient’s rights and interests
  • counseling on issues related to harm to patient and its compensation
  • preparation and submission of necessary documents, analysis of documentation (insurance package, medical service contract)
  • appeal against any illegal actions of physician
  • representation of individuals in litigation
  • appeal against actions or omissions of officials of healthcare facilities
  • appeal against actions regarding disclosure of medical confidentiality
  • legal advice on medical law, assessment of case’s relevance
  • establishment of fact of negligence on part of medical staff, medical malpractice
  • representation of interests in courts
  • collection of funds for caused physical and moral damage.

For physicians and medical facilities:

  • protection of rights and interests of healthcare facilities
  • protection of physicians from claims of patients
  • protection of physicians in case of criminal prosecution (violation of criminal proceedings).

We offer:

  • analysis of medical dispute to determine judicial perspective;
  • preparation of strategy, action plan in pretrial order (negotiations, claims)
  • initiation of criminal proceeding;
  • trial;
  • preparation of legal documents in order to settle dispute.

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